Wednesday 24 February 2010

My Passion Fans

Another uni project I was given was "Social Groups". For this I decided to look at fans of a band called My Passion and look at how although they are all individuals they have a distinct look and really look out for each. They were all very lovely, even if the music is a bit too loud for me.






Don't grow up, dress up.

For my latest uni project all I was given as a brief was shoot a fashion spread, so I decided to have a little fun with the beautiful Holly and Kelly and with the help of the lovely Native Faces girls we decided to never grow up......

Holga Portraits

Having bought a lovely bright red Holga, that looks like it was purchased in the Early Learning Centre, about a year ago I finally worked out how to load the 120 film about a month a go.
Here's a few of the results....

Band Aid Kelly.

Pre Whiskey Mist Holly.

Nia enjoying an apple.

Natalie at the Flowerpot.

Natalie and Nessy "debating".